fmfmerian To start, note the{alt}
. Little delightful detail.
fmfmerian The ATF section highlights the key benefits of Gitpod vs local development.
fmfmerian Then the narrative starts and elegantly puts a TL,DR of the upfront value: automate config setup.
fmfmerian This block below the fold helps the reader understand the value in a glance.
fmfmerian I absolutely *love* that part. It links to an in-depth blog post that tells a developer's story.
fmfmerianThis ATF section feels incomplete. Some social proof and a CTA button would help to inspire action.
fmfmerian I absolutely *love* this block. It helps you get the value at a glance.
fmfmerianYour product can’t check all the boxes. Your competitors have pros, too.
fmfmerianKeep the CTA section below. It concludes your story.