Buffer Welcome Email Flow

 t=0  You now have Pro access

From: Juliet from Buffer
Subject: You now have Pro access to Buffer… What will you do with it?
Hi there,
Congrats on kicking off a Publish Pro trial with Buffer!
We know you have awesome content to share on social media. You want it to reach more people, and you want to do it authentically. You’re ready for your brand to grow, and that is a really exciting moment to be in.
Now, let’s get right to it, so that you can get the most out of your Buffer trial!

Once you schedule a post, you can:
Track likes, comments, retweets, and clicks on it
Schedule a re-share of any content that does really well
Visually plan out your content with the Calendar view

Do that, and you’ll be off to a great start! We’ll be giving you tips and advice over the next few days, and if you need help with anything, check out our support resources.

Juliet from Buffer

 t+1d  Some tools and resources

From: Juliet from Buffer
Subject: Some key Buffer Pro tools and resources
Hello there! 

Okay, you have 100 slots in your Buffer queue for each social account in your Pro trial — what will you do with them? 

Today, our challenge for you is: schedule three posts to share on one social network this week!

Plan your content in the Buffer dashboard

When you plan out your social media content, you can ensure that your audience is hearing from you and that your brand is growing a little bit every day. 

Here is a post with a bunch of creative content ideas to get you on the right foot. Perhaps start by asking: what is the core message I want to get out to my audience this week? 

Now, head to your Buffer dashboard, and get scheduling. What 3 posts can you schedule right now? This is how you build momentum!

Juliet from Buffer

P.S. You know this as well as we do: social media lives on mobile. Make sure to download the Buffer mobile app to make it easier for you to plan, schedule, and post your content.

Get it on iOS | Get it on Android

 t+3d  You're not alone!

From: Juliet from Buffer
Subject: You're not alone in building your brand... Really!
Hi there! 

Building a brand on social media is a big job. That’s why we are here to help in as many ways as possible. You’re not alone in this! 

Here are some hand-picked resources for you, and there’s a lot more where this came from: 

Be inspired by awesome brandsCheck out our deep-dive case study of Daily Harvest, with five key marketing lessons and tons of actionable tips for growing a brand on social media. 

Get strategy advice from our podcast: Each episode is less than 30 min, and jumps right into the good stuff. Definitely listen to this one about how to use the Instagram algorithm to your advantage

Join our community: As a Buffer customer, you’re part of a massive network of awesome marketers from around the world. Our online community is where these folks gather and swap knowledge, advice and tips. And you’re invited to join, too. 

That's all for now -- have a great rest of your day! 

Juliet from Buffer

P.S. Need help with anything? Make sure to explore our support resources to get your questions answered!

 t+15d  You're now on Free plan

From: Juliet from Buffer
Subject: Heads up: your Buffer Publish account is now on the Free plan
Hi there, 

Your free trial with Buffer has come to an end, though we are grateful you gave it a try! 

As a heads up, your account is now on a Free plan.

Reinstate your Pro features
A few quick notes -- on the Free plan, you:
Do not have email access to our customer support team
Are capped at scheduling 10 posts at a time
Can only connect 3 social media accounts
Do not have the ability to connect to Pinterest
Lose access to a calendar view of your content
Lose access to your engagement stats for recent posts
Cannot re-share your content 

However, most importantly, you’ll be losing momentum! 

If you were testing out Buffer, it’s because you had something going. You saw a vision of yourself running with an efficient and strategic social strategy that was batched and automated to ensure you’d be sharing high-quality content with your audience.  

You put the energy into starting. Don’t stop now — we’re here to help you!

Juliet from Buffer